RADLAS 2024 is the 6th edition of a workshop dedicated to laser-based methodologies used to help the radiation sensitivity assessment of electronic components and systems. This edition of RADLAS is organized at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) of the European Space Agengy (ESA), with the support of the RADECS association.

The workshop is based on invited and contributed presentations describing different aspects of the laser testing technique as well as real case studies. Presentations will be given to cover the fundamentals and recent and promising trends of laser and other complementary testing methods as well as how these methods could be used in an industrial frame and acknowledged in standards.

The intended audience includes both beginning and experienced researchers, engineers, and students wishing to share and enhance their knowledge base on this topic.

We encourage students, researchers, engineers, and professionals involved in SEE testing to contribute their expertise and insights to make this workshop a collaborative platform for advancing knowledge and methodologies in the field.

We anticipate that this focused scientific program will stimulate insightful discussions and foster collaboration among participants, ultimately contributing to the advancement of SEE testing methodologies with lasers.

Submit your abstracts and be a part of shaping the future of SEE laser testing. We look forward to your valuable contributions.

Impotant Dates:

  • Call for Abstract:
    • Starts: 22nd of April 2024
    • End: 30th of June 2024
  • Registration:
    • Starts: 15th July 2024
Newton 2
Keplerlaan 1 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands
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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.